Yep, Mason turned seven today. Wow. It's not even so much seven that makes me crazy, it's more the fact that next year he'll be eight. That always seemed like such a big kid age to me. Then I think that by the time I'm done with school he might be double digits. A double digit child? Ahhh!
Today was Mason's day. He had a bowling party with friends and cousins, played with his new toys, ate dinner at the restaurant of his choice (Tepanyaki) and offered free face painting to the neighborhood.
So now it's time for my Mason tribute.
Mason came into this world, exactly one month before his due date, after almost a week of contractions and two false delivery room visits (the second time they actually told me I was going to have him, then sent me home the next day. It was fun.) A few days after being born he was checked into Primary Children's Hospital for a few days to be treated for jaundice. Then he had the most sensitive skin, ever. Then at about age two he started having asthma, something he now does nebulizer treatments for every day and night - more if he has flare ups.
But this kid has never slowed down. He's always been outgoing, full of energy and unafraid of any stunt - things I had a very hard time understanding in the begining but have since learned to accept as Mason being Mason. He loves to do stunts on his bike, trade pokemon cards, buy hotwheels, build legos...and countless other boy things that can keep up with his energy level.
There was no question Mason was sent first for a reason. He's responsible, loving and helpful -getting especially excited when he can remember things that I forget (he has an incredible memory & mine is getting worse by the day). You can't get anything past him, he understands things so well - this is both good and bad for adults. He's always asked lots and lots of questions - and lately he seems to be able to answer many of them on his own, funny kid.
And tonight he talked me into letting him sleep in my room, his arguement: it's his birthday. Clever kid.
Happy 7th Birthday Mason! (even if that does me I keep getting older too)
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5 years ago
Hapopy birthday to Mason! He sounds a lot like my nephew. Great kid!
Aw, cute Mason. He reminds me a lot of you, actually (in his responsibleness, etc. not in playing hot wheels).
I can't believe you have a 7 year old!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mason!! I understand how you feel I already have one who is double digits. SCARY!! She has to stop now though because I refuse to age anymore.