The other day I mentioned to someone how I feel the urge to run through sprinklers every time I go running outside. I also think it would be highly entertaining to run randomly find sprinklers on at a golf course or something one night and run through them. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks such funny things. I found this on Postsecret, I remembered how the other day my kids were trying to climb a tree and I wanted to show them up. Haha. I'm a super-dork I know. It's just how I came, I blame my parents. Also, to keep this post all about agreeing...
I've been meaning to post something about the Keith Urban concert I went to a couple weeks ago. Lucky for me, my awesome sister already did it. I love stealing her blogs and making them my own. So, yes, I went to Keith Urban. We had amazing seats. They became even more amazing when I realized he was coming to sing in the crowd about three feet away from us. I started screaming and hitting my sister. It was a great time. Thanks Stacie for inviting me (even though you did talk me out of buying the t-shirt before the show). Dinner was excellent as well. If you want pictures, CLICK HERE for Stacie's post. (It's ok Keith, I bought you're shirt later - and yes, I do look good in it, thanks for mentioning.)
Oh, and as totally random as this makes this post, I'm going to add something I just read on Nikki's Have Joy blog (I know, I'm a little behind on reading blogs lately). I know I've read this before, but I think it's just what I needed lately. Who knows, maybe someone else out there needs it too.
Hello? Hello? Is This Thing On?
5 years ago
I'll run through the sprinklers with you!
Sometimes I think that's the only reason I want to have kids - is just so I can do kid things, and not be judged :)
you ARE still YOUNG! don't be to mature to climb a tree or run thru sprinklers. Those spontaneous, happy=go=lucky actions can be just the thing to fill ones "cup". Growing up isn't mandatory, only growing old. love, rubyslipperz
I want to run through sprinklers too! You are never too old for that!=)Keith Urban concert looked fun......oh and I love pho and boba=) how are things going? we need to hang out sometime and you need to meet my oh so asian baby Max=)
funny. karina and i used to find sprinklers to run through when we were out late walking during the college year. but i will never be agreeing on the keith urban.