

So, the other day I had to pay a bill at the boy's doctor's office. On the way out I ended up in the elevator with a mom and her new baby. Here was my thought process:

Oh, that little baby is SO tiny. I remember how my boys used to be tiny like that at one point. It's kind of cute. Oh...I'm so glad I don't have a baby. Ew. They cry all night and are so much work. It's nice that Mason and Milo are older and they can do so much by themselves.

Yep. I'm a baby-hater.

Ok, so I'm not really a hater. I think they are really small and sweet, and I definitely loved my own babies. And I haven't always thought this way. There was a day, way back before my own personal encounter, that I had no ill will towards them. I'd like to say that I just learned my lesson from my Mason and Milo - but I actually had at one point planned on having more.

But now here I am. I see pregnant women and all I can think is how happy I am that I'm not pregnant. I see babies and it makes me cringe thinking of all the time they need to be held, and the hours they wake up in the night. I even had a moment while at a playground the other day with Milo. This little boy was climbing on the bench and all I could think was, "Gross, he smells like pee. I'm so glad my kids don't wear diapers." And I never can understand people when they say they are "baby hungry."

I so just love my boys and their ages and that they are much lower maintenance. This morning while I was in the shower Mason made himself a sunny side up egg. I've never let him cook anything on the stove before because I've always been worried he'd burn himself, and honestly I don't really think he should still. But the fact that he did it, and actually cooked himself an edible breakfast - it was awesome.

So, Happy Mother's Day to me! Instead of babies I have great boys who give me hugs, tell me happy mother's day multiple times, compliment me on my outfits, and hide presents in their rooms to surprise me with today.

5 Responses to “babies”

  1. Amander says:

    I really love babies, I babysit my niece every chance I get. BUT I definitely think there is a reason babies grow up. You can only have something so dependent on you for so long. When you have babies it's hard to even have your own life!

  2. I am so glad I'm not the only one!

    But, my family was all together this weekend, and I met my 4 month old niece for the first time. I have to admit, I fell in love with her. I really don't like newborn babies.

  3. ditto. have always been a baby hater. never baby hungry.

  4. dude...rain boots are HOT. if i wasn't on stupid dave ramsey i'd have like 12 pairs.

  5. Kaybee says:

    It's good to hear that I'm not the only "baby hater" around. I like my kids more and more the older they get. Why did I decide to have another? I have a husband who is baby hungry!