Archive for January 2009

one down -


Yep, there it is...Mason's first lost tooth! (I know he looks a little out of it, but we took like 10 pictures and he blinked in every single one.) Now maybe he can go back to eating something besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.

it finally happened...


You know how sometimes you drive too fast, faster than you know you should be driving? Then after a while you think, "one of these days I'm going to get a speeding ticket". No? Well, maybe it's just me then. But I always figure the odds keep adding up until they are pretty against me. I feel lucky if I don't get one, but I still think in my mind - one of these days. Anyway, lets take that same idea and apply it to Mason, my daredevil child. I have always figured that one day I will be taking him to the ER. Actually, not just one day but many days within his youthful existence. As of January 20, 2009 the odds had been in our favor. Then welcome January 21, 2009 at around 9:05 am.

Yes, let me tell you how lovely it is to be called about 15 minutes after your child has left for school - you yourself not quite ready to leave the house (aka: dressed in pj's, hair a wreck, no makeup, morning breath & glasses) - and told that your child has fallen and probably needs stitches. It's quite lovely. So off I go (feeling Katie will be very proud of me for not getting ready before leaving the house, *wink wink
So I picked Mason up from school and headed to the ER. The whole way there pretty much Mason cried out of sheer fear of the word stitches. He did calm down a little when I told him I'd take a picture so he could see the cut for himself.

Then, after talking up the nurse for a good 10-15 min and being showed into a room where he was given a remote to control his TV he became happier.

Two stitches, not bad. He kept asking the doctor to please stop while he was numbing and stitching him up. A nice nurse stepped in and started asking him questions to get his mind off it all.

Suckers and band-aids, not a bad ending.

And after all that, Mason told me twice how I was right - stitches aren't that bad. Lesson I take from all this? Remind Mason as he gets older that at one point in his life he told me I was right.

because it's thursday, that's why.


Because I want to pretend like I have nothing better to do than waste time on the internet. That's it. No homework. No studying. No applications for school. No sleep to catch up on. Nope. Absolutely nothing to do but look for randomness to share. So be happy, start your long weekend a few smiles early, enjoy...

oh school, what am i to do with you?


So today I was given something that looked exactly like this:

It made me laugh in my head about the last time I touched one of them. That made me feel like this:So I did what any normal student/mother of two boys would do...I pulled out my pencil:

I think this pencil will help me do better on my quizzes than those boring ones the other people have. Lots and lots better.

will you look at that!


I have finally figured out how to add multiple pictures in slide show format. School really is making me smarter. That, and I learned all about gravity and how they chose which books they wanted in the New Testament back in the day (their Canon of scripture). But please don't probe me much further than those basic ideas. Twenty-five (yes it sounds exciting, but it's not all it's cracked up to be) awe-inspiring pages later and I'm still a little unsure about which books were belived to be written by apostles and such and which ones were belived to be made up. Or who thought what and which one belived in which canon. I'm not even sure I know exactly what the word canon means still. Gravity, on the other hand, I think I'm begining to understand ok. I guess I'll have to see how that one goes as I attend more classes...

Anyway - I just wanted to give a little update on what we've been up to. Disneyland was definatly the highlight of our last week. Mason loved every ride and was very bummed he wasn't tall enough for the Indiana Jones ride. His idea was for me to buy him a Mickey Mouse hat so that the ears would make him tall enough. So clever that child. Milo also rode every ride he could, although that limited him from every roller coaster except the Matterhorn (which he loved). I was so worried that they would be scared of all the rides since this was their first time at an amusement park of any kind. Mason's first roller coaster was Space Mountain. This especially worried me because not only was I scared of it my first time, but I had heard that they had made it faster recently. It was hard for me to know what he was thinking since it was loud and completly dark. It seemed like his first reaction as we got off was shock and slightly scared. But I think after getting over that and realizing everyone else's excitement he decided that he loved it and wanted to go again! My favorite Milo story of the trip was his excitement for Tinkerbell. I'm not quite sure exactly where his love for Tinkerbell started, but it seemed awfully close to the time that his preschool teacher decided to dress up as her for Halloween. Then one day he told my mom he wanted to marry Tinkerbell. Well Milo, I say not a bad choice. So we wait in line for over an hour to meet Tinkerbell. Milo is as grumpy as ever the WHOLE entire time in line. Right when he sees Tinkerbell though, his whole entire attitued changes. He is all smiles, as happy as he could possibly be. Then he shares with her his idea on the whole marriage thing. She was so sweet and told him that when he gets older he could come back and she'd be waiting. He even got a few hugs in. Funny Milo.

So three days at Disneyland, four and a half days with family, countless lines and non-stop snacks to keep the kids busy and one breakfast filled with lots of characters (and of course autographs) and now home again. Thanks to my mom and dad for our exciting Christmas present - it was crazy but it was fun!
