oh physical science, how you confuse my mind


So I'm doing my homework. I get to the part where I'm supposed to find out information about a Quantum Dot. So I google it of course. First site that come up is wikipedia. And here's what I read:

A quantum dot is a semiconductor whose excitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. As a result, they have properties that are between those of bulk semiconductors and those of discrete molecules.

Wait. What?

7 Responses to “oh physical science, how you confuse my mind”

  1. Your Mom says:

    um....aren't you an art major??

  2. I'm sure you will need to know that here in the near future!!! :0)

  3. Amander says:

    I don't understand any of that paragraph. How did the mid-term go?

  4. I thought a quantum dot was the same thing as a polka-dot(?)

  5. JBlue says:

    Huh? I feel your pain.

  6. emily says:

    yes emily i know, you'd think at my age i'd be over all these lame-o classes that don't pertain to what i actually want to do in life. but no. i still am taking a few. most exciting of course. and amanda - midterm went pretty well, about half the points are from short answer ?'s so its will be a little longer to find out my score.

  7. Anonymous says:

    That is why school is for the birds. Maybe you should spend more time making headbands and cupcakes...that is what I do.