

I saw this on someone else's blog. I thought it was kinda cool. And besides, with Valentine's Day coming up - what better way to celebrate than think about myself over and over?

I am... short
I know... my house is messy
I want... to move
I wish... i already had the job i want
I had... a long day
I hate... mean people
I miss... my normal life
I fear... that i won't get a good internship, leading to a not good job
I feel... tired
I hear... indian jones on the tv downstairs
I smell... my nose
I crave... expensive restaurant meals
I search... for things online
I wonder... what my grades will be like when i graduate
I regret... mistakes
I love... being happy
I care... that my boys are taken care of
I always... want to be perfect
I am not... perfect
I believe... that i am blessed, although sometimes i don't know why
I could... be a blond
I dance... and never want to stop
I sing... loud to songs i know
I don't always... know the answers
I write... with a blue or black pen
I win... and i rub it in
I lose... my mind quite often
I never... want to be without my iphone
I never listen... to crappy music
I can usually be found... at school
I am scared of.... spiders
I need... sleep or i get grouchy
I am happy about... being in my advertising program

One Response to “i”

  1. Amander says:

    I like this! I am probably going to do it because I like talking about myself too.