Archive for 2009

please accept my resignation


Since I decided to completely switch email addresses, I began going through everything saved on my old account and I came to this. I think years ago when I saved it I had no idea how true it was. Anyway, I liked it - so I thought I'd share.


I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old again.

I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant.

I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks.

I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them.

I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day.

I want to return to a time when life was simple; When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care.

All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset.

I want to think the world is fair. That everyone is honest and good.

I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again.

I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones.

I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.

So ... here's my checkbook and my car-keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.

And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause..............

"Tag! You're it."

dear santa


I always have a hard time figuring out what to get the boys from Santa every year. I want it to be fun and exciting, but then they get so much from grandparents I run out of ideas. I also think it'd be more exciting if Santa would bring them the items they actually ask him for. So I was so happy that Mason's teacher sent home a letter he had written to Santa last week. Finally I can get him what he wants. Here's his letter:

To: Santa
I want a pinball machine and a mini motorcycle. (And by mini motorcycle he means one of those pocket bikes that big people can ride.)
From: Mason

Sure is aiming big that kid.



Finals will be over soon. I won't have school for two weeks. I will have time to mop my floors. I will be free to take treats to Mason's class. I can finally get to reading Lost Symbol. I won't have to think about where marginal revenue = marginal cost, the problems with monetary and fiscal policies, how lighting effects the design of a room, if I'm correctly using MLA style for my research paper or when Paul wrote which epistles. It will be nice.

That is all.

school work can be random too


So, I was working on a powerpoint presentation for one of my classes. While looking for pictures online I found one of the most awesome websites EVER.

Go there. And make sure to read this one too. It's not a picture, but it's funny.
And, I also found this picture while searching:
I don't really know who he is, but I'm not so sure it matters. Yes, I understand I have semi turned into a high school girl. I'm sorry.


i love mashed potatoes.


...and most of the other foods associated with Thanksgiving. Emily Fact: mashed potatoes with some sort of meat and veggies are one of my most favorite things. My other favorite thing is to be warm. I also like having fun and trying something new. And never saying I can't do something.

So this Thanksgiving I wrapped all those things into one. I decided at 10:00 am Tuesday to take the boys on a road trip to San Diego to visit my sister and her family. I picked up Milo from school at 11:30, went home and packed, picked up Mason at about 1:30, stopped by my mom's for some portable DVD players and we were on our way! It turned out to be a pretty good drive too. Mason even commented at one point (more early on in the journey), "this is so fun!"

After a couple gas stops, a drive down The Strip and dinner at the Rainforest Cafe - we arrived at my sister's house at about 2 am. The drive was SO worth it! The kids loved playing with their cousins every day. We took a swimsuit beach trip to Del Mar, had a HUGE, delicious meal for Thanksgiving, took a non-swimsuit, shell-hunting trip to Mission Beach, had a day in Balboa Park (which included a visit to the aerospace museum and an awful, awful puppet show), and ate dinner right on the beach.

I asked Milo which part was his favorite and he told me "that place we went to eat dinner. The one with the jello and the grapes." Yep, we took a 12 hour drive so Milo could eat at a Sweet Tomatoes.

Well, I enjoyed the fact that I never saw my breath when I went outside and I got to walk in sand and swim in the ocean - and that was definitely worth the drive!

Thanks Manning family - it was lots of fun!

oh, the student life.


You know when you were a college student and you went to your school's basketball games? Then at the end of the game you loudly sang the school song. As you walked out of the game to the car you happen to see a few people you know from classes. Then you go hang out at some apartment where boys are playing video games and making brownies. You talk about the game and school, tests coming up and papers due.

Then you go your house...with a garage and a dog and 2 kids.

Oh wait. You're college life wasn't like that? Weird.



Milo: Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and open my eyes and the shadows look like monsters in my room. But I know there aren't really any there, it's just my imagination.

Glad he has that all figured out. Makes my job easier.

journal time


You know what. Sometimes I hate my life. This is one of those times. Probably just having a down moment, most likely just tired of school and everything else in my life. Either way, the thought is there. Most people think this at some point or other right? "Life sucks today."

You know what I think after I decide to hate my life momentarily? Why is this my life? Really? I'm supposed to be able to figure this out? What am I supposed to learn from this?

And I hope someday I will figure it out. Someday I'll know exactly what it is I'm supposed to be learning.

I once read something in a book that said to question God was to give the idea that you thought He was wrong. And God is never wrong. I think that is something that has helped me. But, although I know He's never wrong, so I don't question that what He did was part of a bigger plan, I just wonder how long it will take before I understand too.

And that is when I go back to: I hate my life right now. It's confusing and tiring and stressful and busy. And when I realize how much of my day is given to driving to Provo and back it makes me annoyed.

But you know what - it is also great.

I have two very wonderful boys. Yes, they are boys and they are crazy and they fight and they make messes and they complain. But they tell me they love me and they are mostly obedient and they do well in school and they have no trouble making friends and they are sweet.

And I live in one of the most wonderful neighborhoods ever, even if it is far away from school. And that fact that I have been fortunate enough to stay in my house and not have to work while I attend school and I have family that helps babysit for me and I know deep down things will be ok and that I haven't been forgotten and that even though I don't know why, there is a why and someday I will know what it is. And someday I will learn how to throw a football so I can teach my boys. And I will also learn how to tie a tie.

Well, there is now a whole lot of rambling going on. I will stop now.

while driving in the car...


Milo: My blood is hot.
Me: It is, huh?
Milo: Yeah, that's why my arm is itchy.

oh dear.


To the girl wearing toe socks with her flip flops:

1) toe socks are not allowed in college
2) if you're feet are too cold in flip flops, don't wear them with socks to accommodate
3) and if love is what you are seeking, let me hook you up with the boy who wears the toe shoes on campus (yes, I saw them in person. and yes, they are ew).


Tricks and Treats!


Mason once told me that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up. He also said that when he is, he won't give me any tickets. Thanks Officer Rudy, you're the best.

And Milo decided to be a cowboy this year.

And this is Milo handing out treats. Actually, he was yelling at everyone he could see and telling them to come get treats from him. Then at one point he came in and said, "Well, Halloween is over".

Mason decided to try mixing costumes.

Tonight, I register.


Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
-Stephen Leacock

This quote just happened to show up on my random quote app in google. Perfect timing. And I, for one, am very happy to be jumping into that world of advertising! Cross my fingers that at 12:01 am I can get into all the classes I need, then I can de-stress a wee bit. Probably won't happen, but it's always nice to wish.

anything you can do...


So, today my boys were in the car competing on who can write a better letter "m."

I decided it's probably a good thing they are spaced far apart enough in school that they will never be able to play high school sports together.



I am excited to announce that I was officially accepted into the Advertising program at school. I know it wasn't the most intense application process, but to me the fact that being denied would ruin my whole future plans for life made it a little bit of a stress.

I was so worried in fact that I didn't even pick up my letter until after class, thinking that if the letter was bad news I wouldn't be able to concentrate in class at all.

Then as class was over and I started walking to the building to get my letter all I could think of was: I wish I had someone who would pick up my letter for me, read it and tell me what it says.

Well, obviously that wasn't a possibility - so I went and picked it up. Opening the envelope right away but only opening the letter enough to read the first line. As if the potential bad news was going to jump out and bite me and I needed to be able to close it up and put it away quickly to avoid it. Yes, I'm a little strange I realize.

Anyway. Luckily it was totally awesome news and I instead began wishing I had someone to scream and jump up and down with me on the spot.

So there you have it. Once step down. Next week I have a meeting in which I'm sure I'll be learning a little more about what the program entails and exactly how long it'll take me to complete. And because I love punishment and stress, I'll be going through a second application process after next semester to be admitted into the emphasis I desire.

And one day, I'll be done and when that comes I'll do the "look back and appreciate" thing.

But for now I'll just be excited for the steps I've made and prepare myself for the steps to come!

be nice.


I regularly read PostSecret. Today I was a little upset by the fact that there were no postcards posted, but in lieu he posted a video so I decided to watch. One of the postcards featured in the video said this...

"If I die, would there be anything you wished you would have said to me?"

It made me think about everyone in my life asking me this question and would I respond no or yes to them. And I decided that I don't want to have to answer yes to anyone. Maybe a little dramatic and cheesy, but it's true. Oh no. Have I become dramatic and cheesy? I must need a people watching sesh or something to help me back into some dry sarcasm...

Ok, enough wasting time when I should be studying.

And, fyi, I decided I still got it. Random and vague I know, but it has been on my mind and I decided announcing it will make it a blog memory. haha.

Please Mister Postman, look and see...If there's a letter in your bag for me


And please make it say: You are accepted!

I have been very patient thus far, but with only two more days until the supposed letter should be here I have finally broken. I JUST NEED TO KNOW! It's making me crazy wondering. Everything else seems hinged on if I am accepted or denied and I feel like I'm stuck in this limbo of unplanningness (if that's not a word, it should be).


This picture has absolutely no relevance to anything. I just liked it.


Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it.

William Durant


"Look at these popcorn seeds from school...we can grow a popcorn plant with them."

but homework makes me tired


Since this is usually what I look like at some point in the afternoon/evening - I figured it was funny that today I looked over and found Mason in this position.

i agree.


The other day I mentioned to someone how I feel the urge to run through sprinklers every time I go running outside. I also think it would be highly entertaining to run randomly find sprinklers on at a golf course or something one night and run through them. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks such funny things. I found this on Postsecret, I remembered how the other day my kids were trying to climb a tree and I wanted to show them up. Haha. I'm a super-dork I know. It's just how I came, I blame my parents.

Also, to keep this post all about agreeing...

I've been meaning to post something about the Keith Urban concert I went to a couple weeks ago. Lucky for me, my awesome sister already did it. I love stealing her blogs and making them my own. So, yes, I went to Keith Urban. We had amazing seats. They became even more amazing when I realized he was coming to sing in the crowd about three feet away from us. I started screaming and hitting my sister. It was a great time. Thanks Stacie for inviting me (even though you did talk me out of buying the t-shirt before the show). Dinner was excellent as well. If you want pictures, CLICK HERE for Stacie's post. (It's ok Keith, I bought you're shirt later - and yes, I do look good in it, thanks for mentioning.)

Oh, and as totally random as this makes this post, I'm going to add something I just read on Nikki's Have Joy blog (I know, I'm a little behind on reading blogs lately). I know I've read this before, but I think it's just what I needed lately. Who knows, maybe someone else out there needs it too.

I asked God for strength,
He gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked God for wisdom,
He gave me problems to solve.
I asked God for prosperity,
He gave me brain and brawn to work.
I asked God for courage,
He gave me danger to overcome.
I asked God for love,
He gave me troubled people to help.
I asked God for favors,
He gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted,
And everything I needed.

those crazy teenagers


So I watched Milo ride off today, training wheel free, and realized in less than a week he is not only riding a two-wheeler, but riding it well. Cutting through grass, going off jumps, stopping and starting at will.

Then I remembered how yesterday Mason informed me he has a girlfriend.

bikes and chicks. man, my kids really are growing up fast.

i'm sorry, i just couldn't stop myself.


I understand that this is super middle school of me, but it just gave me a good laugh and I had to share.

Ahahahaha...still funny.

It's that time of year again...


Milo's Birthday!

Wednesday my little Milo-pants turned five years old. He also took off the training wheels, for real this time (he did it a few weeks ago, but had Mason put them back on the next day). And true to his Milo-ness, he told everyone his birthday was really Saturday, but we were celebrating it on Wednesday (Saturday was his party).
For the party, Milo requested Spiderman at our house. As presents, Milo said he'd like a puzzle.

For the party, Milo's mom ran around all week in-between going to school, doing homework, attending a concert, applying for the advertising program to find Spiderman theme items and whatnot to pull off a home party for nine short attention span children.

So, one bag of Cheetos, nine cans of silly string, one giant spiderweb (made of crepe paper), half a container of Neapolitan ice cream (Milo's choice), a couple dozen presents and five bags of trash later...I took a short nap at the kitchen counter.

Within the week Milo also celebrated his birthday being the line leader at school, having lunch at the Harley Davidson place with me and dinner, with Mason and I. at the "peanut place" (Milo's name for Texas Roadhouse). He also informed me Thursday that he was now 5 1/2.

Here's a few pics of the birthday adventures...
Milo at dinner. He told me the next day really wished he could have told Hollie she was pretty (Hollie was our very nice waitress).
My favorite picture of Milo riding. Mason was so nice helping him get started and telling him how good he was doing.

This one is a little blurry, but the look on Milo's face is awesome.

Milo playing with a few of his presents - the ninja swords were the highlight!

So, to make a long post longer, I can't end without saying a few words about my Milo.

Milo is still the silly kid. Easy to please, easy to get his feelings hurt, always able to brighten your day. He will try any food once, no reservations to taste or texture (some of his favorites are Havarti cheese, coconuts and mac & cheese). I've been worried he keeps getting skinnier and that someday he'll lose his little cheeks; I often ask him if he'll just stay little. So far, he seems to keep growing up but keeps me somewhat content with his funny comments.

Here's some of the one's from this week - keep in mind this is just a sampling...

-If I didn't have any ears, my hat would fall down.

-Are you anyone's mom? (yes Milo, I'm your mom.) But are you anyone else's mom? (yes, I'm also Mason's mom) But I mean, are you anyone else's mom?

-I switched flip flops to ride my bike, these one's will protect my feet better.

-I just pulled a piece of food out of my teeth with my finger.

Love you Milo-head!

soccer mom, minus the van.


Well, with 100% of my children now in soccer, practice twice a week and two games every Saturday (yes, please pity the fact that I have no day off anymore), I guess I'm a real soccer mom.

And how funny is it that these are the numbers my kids ended up with? Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Mason's favorite part so far is the squirt bottles filled with water that some of the moms have brought to keep the kids cool. Milo asks me almost every morning if he's waking up for soccer practice. Last Saturday when I went down to wake him up the mention of an actual soccer game had him jumping out of bed with the most excitment I've ever seen (and if you know Milo, you know mornings aren't usually his thing). Both of them beg me after each game to let them wear their uniforms for the rest of the day. Funny kids.

patches, pirates and pee.


Me: Milo why did you pee your pants?
Milo: Well, I didn't pee them all the way.
Me: Yes you did, I can see that your pants are wet.
Milo: No, because if I had peed them all the way it would be dripping down my leg.

Picture taken before said conversation and pants incident.

Took a bite, I want more.


Seemed like the day would never come, but I finally got a break from school! I decided to make the most of my 2 weeks off by spending 5 days of it visiting my sister in the Big Apple. Last year Erik and I visited for our first time, making sure to hit all the tourist spots. This time was fun because I got to spend time with local New Yorkers and spend a little time doing what they do. Since I'm sure no one likes to see a million pictures of the same two people with different backgrounds, I decided to choose just a few to share.

The first pic of my visit. With all the humidity and heat, I decided it'd be a good idea to get something in while still in the comforts of A/C.

Although my sister was a little embarrased to be looking like the tourist, we did have some fun taking random pictures in odd places.

I have always wanted to see a Broadway play - what better one to be my first than Phantom!

One of my most favorite things in the whole wide world is to try new food and new places to eat. I loved every place I tried, and on my last night out we stopped by this place after the play. I love cheese. Last year I discovered the wonderfulness that is a cheese plate (usually the appetizer at a restaurant). Most of the time the plates include about three somewhat uncommon cheeses. The place we went has over 40 cheeses to choose from to create your own plate. Needless to say, it was the perfect ending to my trip. (I also partly want to visit again just so I can eat there.)
And yes, this photo wasn't taken during my trip, but it happens to be one of my favorites - a few of the presents I brought home for my two handsome boys. PJ's from Chinatown and New York outfits for their Build-A-Bear's.

Thanks Jenn for letting me crash on your couch, embarass you in front of your friends and drag you all around the city. Thanks to the grandparents for watching the monkeys so I could have a more relaxing vacation. And thanks to Kel for getting me the sweet hook-up on tickets (which BTW, I've never flown Jet Blue before, but I loved it! Free satellite TV & radio in every headset - super awesome.)

extra furry friend


Today Duke was barking at someone in the park. Nothing new. But this time when I went to tell him to stop I spotted a dog romping around on its own. I was reminded of the dog I've always wanted (and still do). I mean, how could you not find this dog lovable?



I'm sitting at the kitchen table working on math homework.

Enter Mason and his neighbor friend...

Mason (holding two random pieces of plasic together to form a container): We found a really weird spider in the sand box.

Friend: Yeah, it's green.

Me (thinking only of the idea of it crawling out of the container): Ew, get it out of here.

Mason: We are. (as he takes a roll of scotch tape outside with him)

I really dislike spiders. Even pictures of them give me the creeps. I guess now at least I know Mason doesn't share the same fear.

Yuck. Blah. Ew.

new shoes?


So, I know I'm not really the most outdoor-sy kind of person out there...but shoes that fit your toes? I didn't think anyone even liked socks that looked like this.

Maybe you need this so that you can repel without fingers, or throw wood on the campfire without having to lean over to toss. I guess I just don't need those sorts of options in my life. Either way, I pass. (I would, however, be ok with Kristina trying this product out to share on her blog.)

sure, he's cute and all...


You know, who doesn't love a kid with monkey feet pajamas? But as cute as he is, I just have such a hard time sharing my bed (and half my pillow) with someone who sleeps like this. I mean, come on - is it really necessary to sleep diagonal?

Calling all Tab-sters


I would like to know what comes to mind when you see the beauty pictured below.

A word, a pharase, a memory - anything you think of. Have you ever drank it? Do you know someone who did or does currently (yes, it's still in production)?
I know this is probably the most boring blog post ever - but instead of moping, feel lucky - it could have been about school again!
Please leave me comments! I am doing a little research for a class. Even if you have never drank it, you can just say what you think about it based on the can or the fact you've never seen it in a store.
And for extra credit points, don't forget to cast a little vote in the TaB poll I have running!


Have you ever made a choice, then immediatly regretted it? And even though you could go back on your decision you didn't because you know you had to make it.

Well I did. It sucks.

It's like someone forced me into a decision I didn't want - but that someone is myself.

Confused? Oh yeah, I'm in that boat too.

One day I will look back and be proud of my decisions. I will be happy that I listened to my inner self. Seems like I think about "one day" a lot lately.

Alright, therapy session over, back to life (and by life, I mean math homework).

that kid.


So pretty much every day I feel so stressed out that the girl in me thinks I should cry. Last week I was on campus every day for somewhere between seven and nine hours, depending on the day.
Thursday I was super stressed out because I had to take an important test and felt like I just wasn't getting out of the house fast enough to get to school as early as I planned. My mom came to pick up the boys and Milo said he needed a belt for his shorts. So we told him to hurry and go get his belt out of his room. He came up like this...

It was the thing I needed for my day. Thanks Milo.


Oh pillow, how I miss our time together.

Please don't be jealous of my Calculus book, I really don't like him more than you.

I promise one day we'll be able to spend some quality time together like we used to.

One day.

spiffy smatt


My youngest sister has joined in on the blog world. Yesterday she posted something about Milo - I figured it was like a free post for me if I provide the link. I'm so clever.

So check it out. Stacie should have an excellent blog since she recently graduated from the University of Utah in journalism - she's a pro now!

Click here. Or here.

I have a 7-year old?!


Yep, Mason turned seven today. Wow. It's not even so much seven that makes me crazy, it's more the fact that next year he'll be eight. That always seemed like such a big kid age to me. Then I think that by the time I'm done with school he might be double digits. A double digit child? Ahhh!

Today was Mason's day. He had a bowling party with friends and cousins, played with his new toys, ate dinner at the restaurant of his choice (Tepanyaki) and offered free face painting to the neighborhood.

So now it's time for my Mason tribute.

Mason came into this world, exactly one month before his due date, after almost a week of contractions and two false delivery room visits (the second time they actually told me I was going to have him, then sent me home the next day. It was fun.) A few days after being born he was checked into Primary Children's Hospital for a few days to be treated for jaundice. Then he had the most sensitive skin, ever. Then at about age two he started having asthma, something he now does nebulizer treatments for every day and night - more if he has flare ups.

But this kid has never slowed down. He's always been outgoing, full of energy and unafraid of any stunt - things I had a very hard time understanding in the begining but have since learned to accept as Mason being Mason. He loves to do stunts on his bike, trade pokemon cards, buy hotwheels, build legos...and countless other boy things that can keep up with his energy level.

There was no question Mason was sent first for a reason. He's responsible, loving and helpful -getting especially excited when he can remember things that I forget (he has an incredible memory & mine is getting worse by the day). You can't get anything past him, he understands things so well - this is both good and bad for adults. He's always asked lots and lots of questions - and lately he seems to be able to answer many of them on his own, funny kid.

And tonight he talked me into letting him sleep in my room, his arguement: it's his birthday. Clever kid.

Happy 7th Birthday Mason! (even if that does me I keep getting older too)

Party time.


Mason never waivered once in his birthday party choice. He wanted a bowling party. I thought it was a little funny since he never really goes bowling, but I didn't have to clean my house or think of games to play for hours - so no compliants from my end.

The other request from Mason for his party was that his Poppy come and do face painting. Mason sure knows how to please a crowd of kids!

And no Rudy event is complete without some Milo-ness. If you're wondering what in the world he's doing...he's showing how strong his muscles are. He did this after pretty much every turn. Notice the ramp to help him bowl? Yep, you're super strong Milo.

This was probably one of my favorite points of the party. Mason missed one candle and one of the boys yelled out, "That means you have one girlfriend!" haha!

Mason enjoying his cake next to is super rad bowling pin. The bowling alley gave us this to have all the kids sign for Mason.

Future Cougars?


Today I decided to take the boys with me to school. No, not class - I'm not that crazy. I just needed to go sell my books from last term and buy my new ones for next week (makes me so happy to do this). So I figured since I leave the boys to go to the magical land of school so often, I should let them see exactly what this magical land looks like.

On the way down Mason asked if I drive that far to school every time. Yep. Then we got to campus and I realized I left my wallet at home. Rookie mistake, so I was told. Since I don't have time tomorrow or Friday to return my books I was forced to drive home, get my wallet and drive back to campus. It made me about as happy as buying new textbooks.

I parked and walked the same way I do for school - halfway up to campus and both the boys were asking why it was so far away.
First stop: a family of ducks. They were at the fence but started walking away when the boys came up, you can still set them in the distance.

Stop #2: My first class of the day...10 bonus points if you know what building this is in! Milo liked the fancy desks that swiveled from the side.

The boys doing a little teaching. They said they really wanted to leave their drawings for my teacher to see.

We made our way to the Wilk, ate at the Cougareat, used the restroom, returned books, bought books, (Milo had a short conversation with a guy working there, after which I had a short conversation about not touching people you don't really know - Milo said he just wanted to see what is lanyard felt like.) got some candy from the bookstore, cleaned candy off the faces and hands, used the restroom, walked through the library to see the "underground" library, visited my other classroom (Milo wondered why those desks didn't swivel) and back to the car.

This is the famous Tree of Wisdom statue on campus. These are the last two pictures taken, so the fact that the boys are still smiling means we didn't wait too long to leave.

After campus we drove by the apartment complex Erik and I lived while we were dating, the dorms I lived in and the apartment complex we lived in while Mason was a baby.

The boys had fun seeing everything, I had fun sharing it with them - and it didn't rain the whole time we were there, pretty lucky considering it was raining on and off all day long!

and here we are


one year.

So weird to think about I don't even really know what to say.

Maybe it's because it happened to fall on one of the busiest days of my whole school life. Or because this busy day happened to come right after a very late night which in turn made me very tired. Maybe because today feels pretty much like it has every other day for the last year. Or because my super busy day hasn't really ended because I have two final papers to write. Or because I'm so tired but busy that I feel like I can't even think straight on any given day.

I miss you every day Erik. Sometimes I think I should have acted a little more needy so that you had to stay around to help me. The boys still talk about how you used to throw them on the bed. And that one time you tried to throw me and I fell off (they still think it's so funny). And Milo loves to bring up how he has green eyes just like you. And Mason is trying his hardest to fill your shoes (and I see you in him almost every day). Always opening my door, unbuckling my seatbelt, reminding me to lock the car. And don't worry, they both tell me I look pretty and that they love me all the time.

Alright, for someone who didn't have anything to say, I sure can say a lot. I'll stop now. Because otherwise I could go on for quite some time, and no one really wants that.

And just so you know, I can only do this because I don't do anything alone. Thank you for your help. Everyone.

ps. A few people have been wondering, so - after a few problems and a lot of waiting, the headstone is finally here. Not exactly what I had envisioned, but that's what I get for being a perfectionist.


The scene: Milo and I sitting at the kitchen table finishing up dinner.

Milo (eating a bowl of peaches): "So, what did you learn at school today?"

Me (slightly laughing in my head): "Oh, I learned about the effects of mass media and a little about advertising in newspaper and TV."

Milo (without even a pause): "Oh. Did you learn anything in science?"

deja vu


If you cannot tell what is pictured above, let me help you out - it's the receipt I was given when I retrieved my car after it was towed last night because I parked somewhere I wasn't supposed to.

Let's add to that I attended a soccer game while listening to the group I was with talk about BYU fans and missions.

And then I will add that after the game I also listened to them talk about who was getting engaged and what wedding receptions were coming up.

And then I had a thought...towings, missions, engagements...did I just get my initiation back into college? Weird.

I'm not sure if I should feel happy that I can somehow fit into this crowd still or oddly worried that it happened.

going crazy


So it's Friday night at about 11:50 and I'm doing what I normally do about this time: halfway watching TV while looking for some miscellaneous thing online when one thought leads to another and I realize I don't remember saying prayers with Mason. Wait, I don't even remember him ever saying goodnight to me before going to bed. Now that I think about it I don't remember him coming downstairs after his shower. Weird.

So I walk down the hallway to his room to find the light on and him not there.

Next thought is that he probably decided to be sneaky and sleep in my room tonight, but as I walk up the stairs I realize my room light is on and I don't see him in my bed.

Then I as I walk into my room I see the bathroom light on and the door shut.

And I open the door and find this:

Sweet little Mason fell asleep right out of the shower while his crazy-brained mom didn't even realize for hours. Wow. Where has my mind gone lately?

pretty please with a cherry on top.


So my teacher said this doesn't work, but I'm going to give it a go anyway...

In my Mass Comm class we have this super exciting group project to create a website about anything we want, add continuous content, send emails for updates and hope people read our emails and visit our site.

Here's my problem: I ended up in a group who thought it'd be a great idea to provide students with website to keep them in the know with what's going down in the super rad music scene in the Provo area. Good idea? Sure it is. Only problem is I don't currently associate with students who care about the local Provo music scene.

So here's my solution: I will put all my fellow blogger friends to the test. Are you up to it? Ready to read emails you care nothing about and follow the link to a website that's even less interesting to you (unless of course you happen to be a random Provo student that I don't know likes to read my blog)?

And here's what's in it for you: You can read me blog about music I like. Awesome! I mean what could be cooler than getting to know me and my local music tastes? Not much. And you can also judge me on how well my writing may or may not be getting through the attendance of my current journalism class. And as an extra bonus, maybe a few of you will even get into the local scene yourself - how can you beat a date that involves a concert for only around $5 a person?

Sounds totally wicked right? Ok, then get clickin people...

Don't forget to subscribe to the site so you can keep up with all the fun.

You guys are awesome, I knew I could count on you.


So here's the deal, like it or not.

I have a really hard time blogging anything not happy. Not that my posts are always happy - but sometimes I just want to post about how my life sucks. Then I worry that I'm going to have to hear comments about how sorry people are that I think my life sucks. I don't like comments. I know that my life is maybe not as I wish it would be, but I also know there's a lot of positive things about my life. I mostly try to focus on the positive, but sometimes I have days that just make it hard. So you know what I do? I read one of my favorite blogs, Have Joy (yes Nikki it's true) and I feel better. Not because it makes me see the positive (which it can) but because I realize that I'm not the only one who has the feelings I do. Honestly I want to copy and paste her blogs and post them as mine all the time. I read them and wish I could post about crappy days in my life and not worry about what anyone's going to say to me.

But I have a hard time doing it. So I try to skip over everything sad and stressful and upsetting and just post funny and random and crazy instead. And you know what - tonight I read Have Joy and thought, I want to be like Nikki when I grow up. I want to post what I'm thinking as I'm thinking it. I want to post when it's funny and sad and random and stressful. So...

[insert stressed out upsetting thoughts here]

I'm sorry. I have them. I even started typing them. Then I deleted them. Baby steps people. Hey, at least now you know you can semi know what I'm sometimes thinking by reading someone else's blog. That's a plus right?

Go Jazz!


Ha. I tricked you all. You thought I was going to post something about the playoffs, or the actual team didn't you? Well, while I am no NBA smarty, I do know that the Jazz are out already. So there.

My actual post starts out with a story about our family trip to Red Mango. If you don't know what Red Mango is, you are missing out. It's super yummy. I had my doubts the first time I walked in. Then I ordered. Then I ate it. Yum. Ooooo. Just thinking about it makes me want some. So of course I naturally sign up to get their texts about deals going on (I seem to do this quite frequently now that my texts are unlimited, I have sort of an addiction.) Then tonight I get a text saying they are opening tonight and between 7-9 I could go in and get a free yogurt. Well, it just so happened that Mason's soccer game was over right about 7:00, so over we headed. I expected one free yogurt and then I'd pay for the our other ones. Not only did we get all our yogurt (and toppings) free, they also had....

are you so excited?

Thurl Bailey!

Now, I'm not a big Jazz fan, as you may have caught from my previous comments, but my kids thought it was really cool that a "real basketball player" was there for them to meet. And obviously I couldn't pass up the chance to get my silly short kiddos in a picture with a crazy tall person.

And since I'm sure you'd like to know my secret Red Mango combo...any flavor with mango chunks or pomogranate seeds.


"It's like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, you'll like it when it's over."

This is what my professor said to describe our big project of the semester. He also mentioned since it's a mass communications class he doesn't mind if we bring our laptops and do whatever we want on them - play games, surf the internet, check our email... And he said as long as our phones aren't loud he doesn't care if we text in class - he even said as a current bishop he would text kids in the congregation during sacrament (until he was asked not to by the stake). He's my new favorite.


So I haven't even found out my grades for last semester and I start school again tomorrow. Very exciting. On a sidenote, I think that I was bored in the week I didn't have school. Weird. I did a little yardwork, tried to reorganize/clean the garage, cleaned the storage room, sold things online, gave away things online, recleaned and reorganized the garage again, bought a dresser for mason, decided to take the dresser back, cleaned out my closet, made a DI run... I also tried to hang a few shelves myself, then I realized I don't own a studfinder [insert joke here], also weird since I am in possession of tools that I don't even know how to use correctly. Anyway...

anyone for mac & cheese?


The other day after Milo got home from preschool he asked to play with a friend. I was outside chatting with my neighbor so I told him to run inside and use the bathroom first, then he could go play. About five minutes later Milo came running outside, looking as if he were about to cry.

"How do you turn the microwave off?!"
"Milo did you try to cook something in the microwave?"
"I don't know how to make it turn off, it just keeps going!"

So I hurry inside worried I'm going to find something on fire or exploding inside my microwave. I found lots of smoke, a very unpleasant smell and this:

That was Wednesday. My kids still comment every time we walk in the door from being gone, "it smells in here". Yes I know it does. Yum.

once again, thank you "spring"


So I have this dilema - thanks to this weather that we call winter happening in the time of year we formerly referred to as spring, Mason is wearing pants that look somewhat like this...

Why on earth does the weather mishap just happen to coincide with my son's growth? And if the weather could ever actually make up its mind then maybe I'd be a little less confused. Some days I wonder if I should just break down and buy him new pants, he obvioulsy needs them. But then if I buy them now they'll probably be borderline once winter comes around again. Then there are days like Monday which I think, nope - weather is warming up, shorts time before we know it! Then comes Wednesday.

Boo I say. Boo.